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Double Anniversary for Sacred Heart Academy today!

Today, Good Friday, is a double anniversary for Sacred Heart Academy!

It was just last year, on March 29, 2023, that we had the very first meeting about the Academy, with 18 people at St Gregory's Church in Oshawa. The decision was made to move forward with the starting of the school, we started a novena to the Sacred Heart, and a steering committee got to work. Amazing what God achieved in just one year!

And it was Good Friday morning 6 years ago (2018), after overnight adoration at St Isaac Jogues, that the idea of Sacred Heart Academy was first born in a conversation in the narthex of the church between Dr Althea Barthos, John Black and Nicholas Ferreira (, and Sacred Heart Academy Homeschool Co-op was born, the predecessor to our school today.

Praise God for His blessings over these initial steps, and may we continue to say yes collectively, and in our own small way, so He can carry out the work He intends through our five loaves and two fishes. Excited to discover all God has in store moving forward! :)

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